41. Digital Metallo-Supramolecular Chemistry
A. Kondinski
ChemistryEurope, 2025 (accepted).
40. Natural Language Access Point to Digital Metal-Organic Polyhedra Chemistry in The World Avatar
S. D. Rihm, D. N. Tran, A. Kondinski, L. Pascazio, F. Saluz, S. Mosbach, J. Akroyd, M. Kraft
Data-centric Eng., 2025 (accepted).
39. Hacking decarbonisation with a community-operated CreatorSpace
A. Kondinski, S. Mosbach, J. Akroyd, A. Breeson, Y. R. Tan, S. Rihm, J. Bai, M. Kraft
Chem 2024, 10 (4) 1071-1083.
38. Knowledge Graph Representation of Zeolitic Crystalline Materials
A. Kondinski, Rutkevych, L. Pascazio, D. N. Tran, F. Farazi, S. Ganguly, M. Kraft
Digit. Discov. 2024, 3, 2070-2084.
37. Curated Polyoxometalate Formula Dataset
A. Kondinski, N. Gumerova, A. Rompel
Data 2024, 9(11), 124.
36. Superchaotropic Polyoxometalates as Membrane Carriers
A. Kondinski
Polyoxometalates 2024, 3(3), 9140058.
35. Configurational Isomerism in Bimetallic Decametalates
A. Kondinski
Materials 2024, 17(14), 3624.
34. Transforming Research Laboratories with Connected Digital Twins
S. D. Rihm, J. Bai, A. Kondinski, S. Mosbach, J. Akroyd, M. Kraft
Nexus 2024, 1(1), 100004.
33. Novelty and innovation, the joy of experimentation, and the “investigation of things” (gewu) in pre-modern China: the example of gunpowder
D. Bartosch, A. Kondinski, B. Peng
Int. Comm. Chin. Cult. 2024, 11, 23–40.
32. Knowledge Engineering in Chemistry: From Expert Systems to Agents of Creation
A. Kondinski, J. Bai, S. Mosbach, J. Akroyd, M. Kraft
Acc. Chem. Res. 2023, 56, 2, 128-139. Front Cover
31. Editorial: Innovators in Chemistry 2022
A. Kondinski
Front. Chem. 2023, 11, 1352328.
30. Making AI Think and Speak Like a Chemist
V. Koester, A. Kondinski, X. Zhou
Chem. Views Mag. 2023, 82.
29. Automated Rational Design of Metal-Organic Polyhedra
A. Kondinski, A. Menon, D. Nurkowski, F. Farazi, S. Mosbach, J. Akroyd, M. Kraft
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 26, 11713–1172.
28. Composition-driven Archetype Dynamics in Polyoxovanadates
A. Kondinski, M. Rasmussen, S. Mangelsen, N. Pienack, V. Simjanoski, C. Nather, D. L. Stares, C. A. Schalley, W. Bensch
Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 6397-6412.
27. Hervé and Krebs Type Magnetic Polyoxometalate Dimers
A. Kondinski, A. Banerjee, S. S. Mal
Magnetochemistry, 2022, 8 (9), 96.
26. Metal–metal bonds in polyoxometalate chemistry
A. Kondinski
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 13574-13592 .
25. Polyoxoplatinates as covalently dynamic electron sponges and molecular electronics materials
A. Kondinski, M. Ghorbani-Asl
Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 5663 – 5675.
24. Computational Modelling of Isomeric Polyoxometalates
A. Kondinski
Chem. Modell., 2021, 16, 39–71 .
23. Metal-Addenda Substitution in Plenary Polyoxometalates and in Their Modular Transition Metal Analogues
C. Simms, A. Kondinski, T. N. Parac-Vogt
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 2559-2572. (Very Important Paper, see Front Cover)
22. Hybrid polyoxometalates as post-functionalization platforms: from fundamentals to emerging applications
A. V. Anyushin, A. Kondinski, T. N. Parac-Vogt
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020,49, 382-432.
21. Modeling of Nanomolecular and Reticular Architectures with Sixfold Grooved Programable Interlocking Disks
A. Kondinski, J. Moons, Y. Zhang, J. Bussé, W. De Borggraeve, E. Nies, T. N. Parac-Vogt
J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 1, 289-294.
20. Robust and Efficient Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation based on 4,4′-Oxybis(benzoate) linked Copper (II) Hydroxido Layers
W. A. Shah, S. Mir, S. Abbas, S. Ibrahim, L. Noureen, A. Kondinski, D. Turner, P. Kögerler. M. A. Nadeem
Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2019, 497, 119080.
19. Constructing Models for Teaching and Learning
V. Koester, A. Kondinski
Chem. Views Mag. 2019, 21.
18. Programmable Interlocking Disks: Bottom-Up Modular Assembly of Chemically Relevant Polyhedral and Reticular Structural Models, J. Chem. Educ. 2019.
A. Kondinski, T.N. Parac-Vogt
J. Chem. Educ., 2019, 96 (3), 601–605.
17. Exploring High-Symmetry Lanthanide-Functionalized Polyoxopalladates as Building Blocks for Quantum Computing
J. J. Baldoví, A. Kondinski
Inorganics 2018, 6(4), 101.
16. Keggin Structure, Quō Vādis?
A. Kondinski, T.N. Parac-Vogt
Front. Chem. 2018, 6, 346.
15. Effect of [Zr(α-PW11O39)2]10− Polyoxometalate on the Self-assembly of Surfactant Molecules in Water Studied by Fluorescence and DOSY NMR Spectroscopy
T. Quanten, P. Shestakova, A. Kondinski, Tatjana N. Parac-Vogt
Inorganics 2018, 6(4), 112.
14. Superactivity of MOF-808 toward Peptide Bond Hydrolysis.
H.G.T. Ly, G. Fu, A. Kondinski, B. Bueken, D. De Vos, T.N. Parac-Vogt
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140 (20), 6325-6335.
13. Configurational Isomerism in Polyoxovanadates
L. K. Mahnke, A. Kondinski, U. Warzok, C. Näther, J. van Leusen, C. A. Schalley, K. Yu. Monakhov, P. Kögerler, W. Bensch
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 2972-2975.
12. Synthesis, photophysical properties and cation-binding studies of bipyridine-functionalized gold(I) complexes.
I. Solovyev, A. Kondinski, K. Yu. Monakhov, I. O. Koshevoy, E. V. Grachova
Inorg. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 160-171.
11. Entdeckung und Untersuchung – die “klassischen” Polyoxometallate
R. Pütt, A. Kondinski, K. Yu. Monakhov
Chem. Unserer Zeit 2018, 52, 2-7.
10. Breaking the Gordian Knot in the Structural Chemistry of Polyoxometalates: Copper(II)-Oxo/Hydroxo Clusters
A. Kondinski, K. Yu. Monakhov
Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 7841–7852.
9. The Cu(I)-catalysed Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition route to (bio-)organic functionalisation of polyoxovanadates.
O. Linnenberg, A. Kondinski, C. Stöcker, K. Yu. Monakhov
Dalton Trans. 2017, 15636–15640.
8. The Lindqvist hexavanadate: A platform for coordination-directed assembly.
O. Linnenberg, A. Kondinski, K. Yu. Monakhov
In Supramolecular Systems: Chemistry, Types and Applications(ed.: C. Pena), Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, 2017, 39–66.(read free PDF).
7. Rotational Isomerism, Electronic Structures, and Basicity Properties of “Fully-Reduced” V14-type Heteropolyoxovanadates
A. Kondinski, T Heine, K. Yu. Monakhov
Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 3777–3788.
6. Platinum-Containing Polyoxometalates: syn- and anti-[PtII2(α-PW9O39)2]10−and Formation of the Metal–Metal-Bonded di-PtIII Derivatives
Z. Lin, N. V. Izarova, A. Kondinski, X. Xing, A. Haider, L. Fan, N. Vankova, T. Heine, B. Keita, J. Cao, C. Hu, U. Kortz
Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 5514–5519.
5. Chiral Dodecanuclear Palladium(II) Thio Cluster: Synthesis, Structure, and Formation Mechanism Explored by ESI-MS and DFT Calculations
Z. Lin, L. Fan, A. Kondinski, N. Vankova, T. Heine, B. Chen, A. Haider, B. Wang, U. Kortz, C. Hu
Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 7811–7813.
4. The polyoxo-22-palladate(II), [Na2PdII22O12(AsVO4)15(AsVO3OH)]25−
N. Izarova, Z. Lin, P. Yang, A. Kondinski, N. Vankova, T. Heine, U. Kortz
Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 2394-2398.
3. On the Isomer Problem of Mixed−Addenda and Heterogroup−Substituted Polyoxometalates
A. Kondinski
PhD Thesis, Jacobs University Bremen.
2. The mixed gold-palladium polyoxo-noble-metalate, [NaAuIII4PdII8O8(AsO4)8]11−
N. Izarova, A. Kondinski, N. Vankova, T. Heine, P. Jäger, F. Schinle, O. Hampe, U. Kortz
Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 8556–8560.
1. How Counterions Affect the Solution Structure of Polyoxoaurates: Insights from UV-Vis Spectral Simulations and Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
A. Kondinski, N. Vankova, F. Schinle, P. Jäger, O. Hampe, U. Kortz, T. Heine
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 3771–3778.