Scientific Presentations

Technical Talks and Seminars
10/2024 Preconditions to Explainable Self-Organisation – Chemistry Department (Online), Roskilde University
07/2024 Preconditions to Explainable Self-Organisation – Chemistry Department, Graz University of Technology
07/2024 Towards Digital Exploration of Programmable Molecular Materials – Chemistry Department, Graz University of Technology
05/2022 Knowledge Engineering for Chemistry and Materials Discovery – Digitalising Chemistry Workshop, Innovation Centre in Digital Molecular Technologies, Cambridge
03/2022 Automated Rational Design of Metal-Organic Polyhedra – AI 4 Scientific Discovery, University of Southampton
10/2020 Towards Hybrids of Polyoxometalates and Metal-Organic Cages – Yusuf Hameed Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
03/2020 Vitruvian Nanoarchitectures: Programming Stable, Functional and Beautiful Polyoxometalates – University of Ulm
09/2019 Towards “Vitruvian” Architectures: Strain vs Symmetry – Chemical Research in Flanders, Blankenberge, Belgium
09/2019 Towards “Vitruvian” Architectures: Strain vs Symmetry – Science Forum GDCh, Aachen, Germany
01/2019 All-Inorganic Polyhedral Nanoarchitectures: Bridging the Gap Between Chemical Research and Education – Fakultät Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie, TU Dresden, Germany
01/2019 All-Inorganic Polyhedral Nanoarchitectures: Bridging the Gap Between Chemical Research and Education – Institute for Advanced Studies, Shenzen University, China
12/2018 High-Symmetry Molecular Architectures: Turning Aesthetics into Stability and Functionality – Institute for Soft Matter Science and Technology, South China University of Technology, China
06/2017 The Conceptual Approach To Structural Polyoxometalate Chemistry: Bridging The Gap Between Theory and Experiment – Chemistry Department, KU Leuven, Belgium
07/2016 Vanadium-oxo clusters reaching the 2D limit – Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
01/2016 On the Isomer Problem of Mixed−Addenda and Heterogroup−Substituted Polyoxometalates – PhD defence presentation, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
04/2015 Highly Robust and Efficient Water Oxidation CatalystsBased on Nanoscopic Metal Oxide Species: from Fundamental Science to Devices (substituting for Dr. Vankova) – SPP Meeting on hydrogen evolution technologies, Darmstadt, Germany
03/2015 Exploring positional Isomerism and magic compositions for gold-palladoium polyoxometalates – 17th JCF Frühjahrssymposium, Münster, Germany
12/2014 Theoretical journey into noble metal based metal-oxo nanoclusters: structure, spectroscopy and magic compositions. – Chemisches Kolloquium GDCh – Ortsverband Bremen at University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
10/2014, 03/2014 Theoretical journey into noble metal based polyoxometalates – Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; Vrije University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
05/2012, 04/2012, 09/2011 Redox directed processes in the design of novel heteropolyanions – NANOFUN Institute Retreat, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany; Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Northern-German Doctoral Student Colloquium of Inorganic Chemistry, Walsrode, Germany
Outreach & Transdisciplinarity Seminars
11/2023 Signals of Love at the Molecular Scale – Young Experts Symposium, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China (Online)
11/2022 The Interplay of Culture and Technological Innovation – Young Experts Symposium, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China (Online)
16.09.2019 The Vitruvian Chemist: Stable, Functional and Beautiful Molecules – Chemslam, GDCh, Aachen, Germany
12/2023 Knowledge Engineering of Reticular Materials – CARES 10th Anniversary Scientific Showcase, Singapore
01/2024 Knowledge Engineering of Reticular Materials – Global Young Scholar Symposium, Singapore
06/2022 Knowledge Engineering in Chemistry – BASF Meeting / Innovation Centre in Digital Molecular Technologies, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Sept-Oct 2019 Polyoxoplatinates: Electronic Structures, Reactivity Properties and Constitutional Transformations – WIFO, Aachen, Germany; CRF, Blankenberge, Belgium
Sept-Oct 2019 Modeling and Learning Chemistry with Programmable Interlocking Disks – WIFO, Aachen, Germany; CRF, Blankenberge, Belgium
02/2018 Vitruvian Nanoarchitectures on the Rise: Polyoxo/hydroxo Palladium(II) Clusters – ChemCYS, Blankenberge, Belgium
01/2017 Molekulare Metalloxide auf Oberflächen als Brücke zur interstellaren Chemie – RWTHtransparent, Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
01/2017 Polyoxocuprates: The Missing Link between Early and Late Transition Metal Based Polyoxometalates – Tag der Chemie, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
09/2016 Polyoxocuprates: The Missing Link between Early and Late Transition Metal Based Polyoxometalates – 18th Wöhlers Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany (See poster).
09/2014 Insights into the Solution Structure of Polyoxoaureates: UV-Vis Spectral Simulations by TD-DFT – 17th Wöhlers Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany
06/2014 Insights into the Solution Structure of Polyoxoaureates: UV-Vis Spectral Simulations by TD-DFT – WE-Heraeus Physics School 2014, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
08/2012 Redox directed processes in the design of novel nanoscale heteropolyacids4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech Republic (See poster).