STEM Education with ILDs

Interlocking disks (ILDs) are commercially available toys originally designed for training dexterity in little children. However, we have found that ILDs can be also excellent for many other discovery-based learning activities that can facilitate training in spatial thinking, engineering, understanding of symmetry, and other. These building blocks are inherently very simple, but they can be programmed into secondary building blocks that in turn can be used for building fascinating structures.

In this webpage, we will gradually increase information content and teaching resources on ILDs and their utilization in outreach activities, homeschooling and STEM education in general. For day to day updates please follow us on the Youtube Channel and Twitter Page of Programmable Interlocking Disks!

For more information on the webpage content follow any of the provided links below:

Constructing Models for Teaching and Learning

How can playing with Interlocking Disk Toys  benefit your children’s education